Mothers Turn Personal Victories into Support for New Cancer Research
Experienced executive Mark Hirschhorn has built up two decades of experience leading forward-looking companies in the digital medical and therapeutic services, media, and communications fields. Outside of his role as president and COO of the innovative online mental health therapy platform Talkspace, Mark Hirschhorn is also a dedicated supporter of the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit devoted to funding research projects and clinical trials that can deliver less toxic and more effective treatments to children with cancer.
The NPCF’s lifesaving work began in 1991 out of a personal challenge that is among the hardest any parent can face. The mothers of two families whose children had been diagnosed with cancer met in a Florida hospital and began sharing experiences, information, and support.
Thanks to recent advances in treatment, the two infant girls ultimately overcame the disease, giving them the chance to grow into healthy adults. However, their mothers never forgot the bond they had forged and committed themselves to fight together to give other families the chance to benefit from further research advances.
They established the NPCF as an organization that could partner with major medical centers across the country to get more funds for research and clinical trials into their hands, faster and more efficiently. With its first 15 years focused on providing grant funds to hospitals, research institutes, and medical schools in Florida, the NPCF went on to become a truly national organization.
Most cancer research and treatment center on the physiology and physical make-up of adults, not children. Children’s distinct physiologies and medical needs call for treatments tailored specifically to them. For that reason, the work of the NPCF continues to play a vital role in giving more children the same chance that saved the lives of its founders’ children almost 30 years ago.